Pyrosim is a pyrometallurgical process simulation package which can be configured to simulate many different high temperature metallurgical operations. Designed as a process simulator, it has nevertheless also been used to simulate other systems, e.g. high temperature fusion and cupellation during platinum group metal chemical analysis, and the chemical interaction between a refractory brick and a molten metal bath.
Recently Pyrosim and Thermo (both developed by Rodney Jones) have now evolved into a suite of products. Pyrosim is most suited to study complex systems, while Thermo allows compounds and single reactions to be rapidly analysed. Thermodynamic data can now be edited in Thermo and exported to Pyrosim. Thermo is not documented in this manual. However explanation will be given for situations where data is exported from Thermo to Pyrosim.
The most significant new feature in Pyrosim is the generalised empirical mode; this is designed to replace the non-equilibrium stainless steel models. The new empirical model is believed to be a powerful new feature which is afforded the same generality incorporated in the equilibrium model.
Pyrosim Documentation
Rodney Jones' Masters thesis contains a rigorous treatment of the mathematics and thermodynamics used in Pyrosim. Copies of this thesis can be purchased from Mintek, on request.
Text Conventions
UPPERCASE ITALICS: These are actual inputs required by the user, usually at the DOS prompt.
Italics: This text format is used for the stream name conventions discussed under Advanced Features.
are used as pointers for paragraphs discussing Pyrosim's file operations. These paragraphs provide details into the workings of Pyrosim which will give you more confidence when tampering with certain files.
Technical Support
Mintek's Pyrometallurgy Division provides technical support for Pyrosim. The most convenient form of communication is via electronic mail. Rodney Jones currently provides technical support and can be reached at
Phone: +27 (11) 709-4642
This manual has been separated into a number of sections: Chapter 1 describes installation and getting started; Chapter 2: YOUR FIRST PYROSIM MODEL; Chapter 3 discusses some advanced features, and lists some of the less obvious aspects of Pyrosim.
UPPERCASE: This font is used for describing file names as well as commonly known programmes like DOS.
¤ are shown next to paragraphs that discuss suggestions.
× Heed these comments to avoid problems.
Contact Information
Pyrometallurgy Division, Mintek,
200 Hans Strijdom Drive, Randburg, 2125, South Africa
Private Bag X3015, Randburg, 2125, South Africa.
Fax: +27 (11) 793-6241
Copyright © 1996-2001 Mintek,
19 June 2001