Selected publications
Schoukens A.F.S. & Curr T.R. The production of manganese ferro-alloys
in transferred-arc plasma systems. Proceedings of the 42nd Electric
Furnace Conference, Toronto, December 1984, pp. 161-171.
Schoukens A.F.S. A plasma-arc process for the production of magnesium, Extraction Metallurgy '89, London, July 1989, The Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, pp. 209-223.
Schoukens A.F.S., Nelson L.R., & Barcza N.A. Plasma-arc treatment of steel-plant dust and zinc-containing slag - theoretical and practical considerations, Recycling of Lead and Zinc: The Challenge of the 1990s, Proceedings of an international conference organized by the International Lead and Zinc Study Group Sub-committee on Recycling, Rome, June 1991, pp. 361-370.
Schoukens A.F.S., Shaw F., & Chemaly E.C. The Enviroplas process for the treatment of steel-plant dusts, Journal of the South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, Vol.93, No.1, January 1993, pp. 1-7.
Schoukens A.F.S., Denton G.M., & Jones R.T. Pilot-plant production of Prime Western grade zinc from lead blast-furnace slags using the Enviroplas process, Third International Symposium on Recycling of Metals and Engineered Materials, Point Clear, Alabama, 12-16 November 1995, TMS Fall Extraction and Processing Meeting, pp. 857-868.
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